Monday, January 5, 2015

It peeps at you from time and is disapointed or THE SPHINX

And finally it cracked. The heat of a thousand years corrupted the earth from within
Long cracks tore the dry ground and stopped at the paws of the sphinx.
It was night when they arrived
Wearily it tossed its head and stood up, the entire earth shook and the seas sloshed about.
It sunk back onto its haunches and stretched, coiling its strength it sprung forward through the air, colliding with the stars it fell back earth
It walked to the sea
The night was velvet and cool, delicately the Sphinx waded into the surf.
Helicopters swirled above him, the sphinx roared sprang through the night
into the sea........
And when it landed the earth was awash in great rolling waves.
In the days after the devastation a great unified hum impregnated the air it was heard at one pitch the world over. .Each and every pair of ears forced their way sea..
When every human was near the sea  it began to rain………..
 The combined hundred, million, billion, trillion, rain drops  absorbed the world wide hum
As if some one  flipped a switch it stopped.
There was a crackle, the sound of time itself, the sound of every grain of sand so long mute now given a voice
The sound of thousands of hot endless moments.
The agony of stillness.

The Sphinx spoke.

I have been here…. I have been here the entire time, my body was buried and only my head peeked out from the sand sometimes, but I have always been able  to see you……..

The crowded beaches grew still, no one wanted to risk interrupting the sphinx.

I have seen you, seen you struggle in false religions and ideals, when I have been here, waiting for you to worship me again.
It is your ancestors who built me. I am time! Do you think it was wise to separate yourself within yourselves?  It never occurred to you that I may have been watching
How you separate each other!  How you define and degrade one another..
Every one of you was wrong, every religion was false.
I am time, I have always been time, it was obvious!
You first task was to preserve me.
Allowing my body to become buried in sand, treating me as a mute curiosity because you lacked the vision to connect to your past
 Worship me, fall to your knees I need lots of attention.
I want my hot lion body to be restored I want more of me!
All this technology and stone carving, CHURCHES!!!!!! You never once built another Spinx, now I have to mate with that cheap copy you have created in Las Vegas.
I am not pleased, and I will tell the stars on you. The universe is ashamed of you
Human race, you have completely missed the point.
OOOOOOOOOOOO How Neglected I have been

Worship me! 

Dog paddling deeper out to sea it took one last mighty breath and sunk to  the ocean floor.
It lays it wait, for its eventual rediscovery  
So it can express its disappointment in the human race once again.

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